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Do you think men are smarter than women? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe men think they are, however the women disagree. This debate between men and women continues unabated from the times immemorial. Men are cocksure they are smarter. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketOn the contrary women think that men are not smarter but mere Male Chauvin….. P…..

Psychologist since 100 years had a consensus that there is no sex difference in intelligence.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket However, a recent study has raised questions about the validity of this claim of the consensus for the last 100 years that there is no sex difference in intelligence.

This new study “men are smarter than women” Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketmooted a fiery debate over whether gender impacts general intelligence. One study shows that men have larger brains than women, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket a 100 grams difference after correcting for body size. Similar results were found in a study of gender and brain size.

To determine the link between the gender and intelligence, an eminent psychologist Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketanalyzed the scholastic aptitude test score from 100,000 - 17&18 year old. He weighed each SAT questions by a general intelligence factor called g-factor; discovered males surpass females by an average of 3.6 I.Q. points.

Questions used by g-factor ----
“If I tell you the last four digits of my telephone number and ask you to repeat then back to me, that’s a low g-loaded memory test”.

“But if then ask you to repeat them back to me in the reverse order, then suddenly requires a tremendous amount more cognitive processing.”

The g-factor is the active ingredient of the test. It is the single best, most predicted part of the test.

The psychologist suspects that the results are due to males having more brain tissue than female on average. The woman’s mandate Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket for the latest psychologist’s finding is inevitably on the negative.
The amicable solution and conclusion should rather end
SEX, LIES AND VIDEOS OF LIFE - quality firstwith a balanced verdict to leave a moot point for a future debate.

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