Freaky Signs!

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Well, we may come across many Signs every day. How about a change?. Signs that make you Scary, Spine chill, Freaky, Spooky (in general Funny?!?)... that you don't want to see ever.

Lets enjoy the Creativity!. (Surreal, Just for fun)

1. Tourists never read signs anyway... Do Not Feed The Living Dead!

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2. Wrong Mountain - Climbing wrong all the way to the top!.

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3. Don't be a victim - Peeping TOM afoot

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4. What?... What does that say?!

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5. Quick, where's my phone? - Fear of Flying!.

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6. Interactive Aquarium - Feed the fish with your whole family.

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7. I went there the day after I bought my first chainsaw... -Dr.Lefty

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8. Caution: Crazy Pilot in cab - Get ready to drop!.

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9. No Escape - A Spine Chiller!. (My Favorite)

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