The purpose of this specialized program is to find all music duplicates on your computer and remove useless files from your hard drive. As this program performs just this single task it copes with it much better than other more universal programs.
Unlike the other programs for duplicate files search, this program works only with mp3, wma, ogg and m4a files. This allows using specific methods for duplicates detection. While most of universal duplicates finders use such criteria as file size and file name, this program uses the artist name and title of the composition from ID3 tag for comparison. If the mp3 file doesn't have filled tags, the program tries to determine such information from the file name. This program can find either mp3 files with completely equal tags or with similar but not exactly equal tags. You can have a lot remixes and variations of any song or any song can be performed by various artists. This program will help you detect all these mp3 files and decide what you want to do with them - leave, delete or move to another place.