Once you have an account, blogger makes it very simple to add AdSense to your account.
Go to your blog settings > templates > Add a page element > choose AdSense

Click on sign in > enter the email address you provided for the adsense account >enter either your zip code or the phone number you provided at registration.
Now on the following page you can choose the Ad format (size of the add), color, etc. Try to make the ad blend with the background by choosing the same background and border color. There are many blogs about adsense that can give more tips regarding the same.

Another wayis to login to your AdSense account > click the AdSense setup tab and go through the wizard. Once you have the code provided by Adsense, enter it as a normal widget into blogger using the HTML/Javascript page element.And You Are Done
If you need any help feel free to contact me via Comments or Email.
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