What Is Google Analytics ?

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Google Analytics is a free service that allows you to track the performance of your website or blog quickly and easily. You can track multiple sites from one interface.

Google Analytics also let’s you set conversion goals so you can easily see where visitors to your site are coming from, where they go on your site and what page they leave from - you’ll also be able to see how many signup for a newsletter or purchase a product.

Other features of Google Analytics:

  • Geographic information so you can see where your traffic is coming from - down to the city.
  • See where site visitors are clicking on the page - not just what links they click on - but what areas of each page are getting the most attention and impact.
  • You can allow others to see your traffic reports so if you have an assistant or consultant doing search engine optimziation, you can grant them access to see the traffic reports.

To enable Google Analytics on one of your sites, you’ll need signup at http://google.com/analytics/. If you already have a Google or Gmail account, go ahead and login with that username and pasword, if not, you’ll need to create an account.

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