"Web 2.0" design has recently become very popular. Reflective logos, striped backgrounds, vivid badges and gradient buttons are among these new design features, and are fast being integrated into blog design. Here is a selection of free online Web 2.0 design tools to help you give your blog more of a Web 2.0 appeal.
Fresh Badge Generator
Creates great Web 2.0 style badges with many options for customization (I used this tool to create the logo at the top of this post in under 1 minute!
Stripe Generator 2.0
Generates striped backgrounds for your blog or website. Choose colors, styles and even gradients. Create this as a tiling image too!
Tabs Generator
This generates navigation tabs with choices for gradients, border, width and fonts. Easy to use, just create your tabs and right click the resulting image to download.
Web 2.0 Logo Creator
Create a reflective header for your blog! You can also choose to add a logo, change gradients, background color, etc.
Web 2.0 logo creator
Another free logo creator. Features an optional "Beta" badge, gradient text and reflection. Very easy to use.
My Cool Button
Creates beautiful reflective buttons (like the one on the right) which you can customize with different fonts, text and colors.
As I find more useful Web 2.0 design tools, I will update this page with links to new sites.
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Source - Blogger Bluster
www.CustomSignGenerator.com has 5,000 more online image designers.
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