Keep Yours PC Healthy

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Maintaining a system is nothing but keeping your System Healthy, Fully Working with Fast.To keep your system Healthy follow the below tips.....

1.Disk defragmentation:Do this weekly once to run system faster.By this the system will easily identify the daily using files and also the system will arrange files in an order
for this go to start menu All Programs->Accessories->System tools->Defragmentor
In this select different drives and Defrag each drive it will some time depending on your System

2.Disk Cleanup:It is use full to how much disk space is used by unnecessary files that are in temp folder, temporary internet folder, recycle bin. And you can delete them
for this go to start menu All Programs->Accessories->System tools-> Disk Cleanup
In this select different drives and cleanup each drive it will some time depending on your System

3.Scan disk: It takes average 2 min to complete do this at least once a month and better to do often.

4.Reg clean: It is done with the help of a Software offered by Microsoft's web site(
and Other. It takes about a min to check the registry. Then it asks whether you want to clean out redundant or orphan file. This usually helps your system to get rid of files that have been left behind by uninstalled programs.

5. Windows updates:Through this your system will get all the latest fixes, patches and updates
It is better to do who are using only the Original versions of Operating Systems.

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