5 Things to Look for While Selecting a Blog Theme

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One of the best features of hosted Wordpress blogs are the availability of 1000s of themes available for free download and customize. Blog design is one of the important things for the blog and you need to chose your theme properly. Here are 5 things to look for while selecting a good theme for your blog.

Cross Browser Compatibility: First thing is to check if the theme is compatible with popular browsers like IE 6, 7, Firefox and Opera. You can check compatibility with other browsers using Browsershots.

Easy to Modify: Its common that we modify the theme to suit our requirements and functions, so its important that the theme can be modified easily and there are proper commenting in the code to identify each functions.
Widget Support: Nowadays most of the themes comes with in-build widget support, but its better that we ensure that the theme is widget ready and already has few common widgets added to it.
Check the popularity: Checking the popularity can be done by checking the number of downloads of the theme. This is one way good in the sense that only if the theme is good people will download, but in other way bad that you will get a unique theme.
Validate the Code: Make sure that the code is valid, you can check the HTML and the CSS code using online validations.

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