Google Searching tricks, Half revealed

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My post is going to be extremely long. However, I will provide you good Information. As we all know "Information is wealth".

Today if you ask any basic INDIAN Internet user, about Internet and the uses, they will start with Google. In future we will completely depend on Google. I will let you know how it is possible.

Friends People call me Google because of my searching abilities. I really don't want to share this trick with you but I have no other choice [as I have to post some thing here]. Please check how Google is expanding there searching abilities for benefits of Human.

Here is the best and fast URL to search in Google.
Click on the Link. Please note that Copy and Paste will not work for this link.

Check out the following URL to know, how Google is expanding there searching abilities.

Thanks for all my friends and all my well wishers for your help. I appreciate if you forward this URL to all our friends and to their friends.

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