Great Firefox Features Hacks

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Firefox 2 has a built in spell checker that works in any multiline field you edit. Although this feature has been around for a while, it's worth repeating for those of us who haven't tried the free browser since version 2 was released.
This feature is extremely useful when submitting comments online and you don't want to copy and paste from Firefox into Microsoft Word to do a quick spell check. This is also great if you create content online (think web based e-mail, wikis or blogs).
Below is a quick example of this in Gmail:

(Creating an e-mail)

(Right clicking the misspelled word to correct it)

Some words that aren't Firefox's dictionary (LLC is a good example) will be underlined. Left alone this can be a bit annoying. To fix it, right click the correctly spelled word and select "Add to dictionary":

Adventurous readers can find the words you've added to Firefox's dictionary by opening Windows Explorer and typing in the path below:


Once you press enter, you will be redirected to the profiles folder of Firefox.

Browse to your profile folder (it will look like "NameOfProfile.default") and you should see a file named persdict.dat.

This can be backed up if you've added a lot of words to your dictionary, or even manually edited with a text editor such as Notepad++. Be careful to not use the built in text editor in Windows (Notepad) to view the file, as the program did not display the file correctly on our computers.

All images in this post were created by Solid Capture Screen Capture

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