How To Send a Post From Google Reader Through Mail

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For those who are using Google reader may have seen a new link saying ‘Email‘ at the end of post. This is the new feature from Google reader and it allows the user to send an interesting article to anyone through email without opening another window. The contents are retained in the same format with pictures.

Share is another feature which is there in Google reader for a long time which lets the users to mark a post as shared and let the public view. This is considered to be an alternative as many people don’t actually view the shared posts and also not all friends are using Google readers yet.

I just tried this feature and it looks good as it helps to easily forward any post to my friends while retaining its original format. As this is integrated with Gmail, it also helps you to add email addresses which are stored in Gmail address book.

If you are bored with the current theme of Google Reader, Try giving a Facelift for it!

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