How to Access Blocked Websites and IP ranges by using easy-to-use and secure tools,
1. Proxy Server
Use a proxy server to access restricted sites. A proxy server (or proxies) is a normal computer that hides the identity of computers on its network from the Internet. Which means that only the address of the proxy server is visible to the world and not of those computers that are using it to browse the Internet. Just visit the proxy server website with your Web browser and enter a URL (website address) in the form provided
Featured Proxy
Furthermore I personally recommend the following proxy sites:
- Myspace Proxy
- Rapidwire
- Proxyping
- ProxyLOL
- WeSurfThe
- HideMyAss
- Grab
- Kproxy
- OurProxy
- Anonr
- InvisibleSurfing
Here are some Orkut Proxies too
Here is a Cool Private Proxy Filter owned by one of the commentators below which is still unblocked and fully accessdible at any place. Just register to get a free privated account to bypass firewall and access the blocked websites. Visit Detour
Well apart from these proxy sites you can bookmark the DMOZ CGI Proxies and DMOZ Proxy Lists
2. Proxy Search Softwares
Alternatively there are several softwares available for using proxies. Just search on google to get an endless list.
Here are my favourite ones They are Free
3. Fresh Proxy Lists
You can get a list of free secure IP:PORT proxies at HideMyAss Proxy List Didnt know about that now did you?
4. Convert URL to IP
You can use this service called Web Server IP Checker to get the IP of the server on which your site is hosted, the one you want to visit using proxy.
You can also get the IP of the webserver by using Command Prompt. Just go to Run and type ‘cmd’ and press OK. Now type “ping” without quotes and you will get the IP.
5. Convert IP to Decimal
If the URL to IP trick fails over some networks this is the trick you are looking for Just get the IP of the site from Web Server IP Checker and go to RedRoster. Enter the IP in the IP address field and hit calculate. You will get an address in Decimal Field. Take this and paste in your browser as http://xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is your decimal converted IP and it shall work
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