Replace your windows explorer with something better

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I have used a couple of cool windows explorer replacements that adds tabs to to the regular explorer navigation. If you want to switch to a tabbed windows explorer experience then I recommend you one of these below.


If you are one who opens more than a couple of windows to work with files from different folders then QTTabBar is the right software for you.


xplorer² lite is a very good alternative for your regular Explorer windows and performs better than QTTabBar. It is a lightweight version of xplorer² software which is available for commercial usage. It is free for personal and academic use.


ExplorerXP is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non - commercial use) file manager for Windows 2000/XP. Unlike the regular Windows Explorer, it displays the total size of each folder and allows you to browse multiple folders from a tabbed interface.


XPlorer is a substitute for the Windows Explorer, adding multi tabbed features. So it is possible to have lots of locations opened at the same time, while we can manage them in an easy and eficient way.

All of the above softwares help you add tabs and make your navigation easiers I am currently using xplorer² but have loved QTTabbar which is a awesome replacement for explorer, try out these and let me know how these work for you.

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