Stop RealPlayer advertisements

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RealPlayer or RealOne Player is quite a popular cross-platform Mediaplayer that can support numerous RealMedia formats such as RealAudio (*.ra, *.rm), RealVideo (*.rv, *.rm, *.rmvb), RealPix (*.rp), RealText (*.rt), RealMedia Shortcut (*.ram, *.rmm). It is quite common to use Real Player to watch downloaded video movie clips especially in *.rm and *.rmvb. The player is quite easy to use and features a handful of functions. Having said that, RealPlayer users always face a small but irritating problem. When you use Real Player to watch movie clips (*.rm or *.rmvb format), advertisement pages will prompt out inadvertently.

Sometimes your Firewall will notify you that the ad page may contain virus, spyware, adware, etc. It can be very frustrating and annoying when you see these ad pages. A cliffhanger or a steamy romantic scene may be spoilt forever by the appearance of an advert. How to stop RealPlayer from prompting out these advertisements?

To stop RealPlayer from continuing prompting out ad pages, you can go to Windows Explorer and look for Program Files>Real>Real One Player. Under Real One Player folder, look for “rpplugins” folder. Seek for “rpwe3260.dll” file and delete it from “rpplugins” folder. Once you have done it, go to Program Files -> Common Files -> Real -> Common. Delete the “twebbrowse.dll” file. After deleting these two files, the irritating ads will no longer pop out. You can enjoy your blockbuster movies with peace.

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