Adding watermark in batch to images

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When you work hard to create those awesome images with colors, text box and somebody steals it, It felts bad. You can stop it but you can at least make people think twice before they use it by adding a watermark ( a floating name on every image ) which reflects your identity. That could be your name or your site name.

However Adding watermark is tedious if you have to do it for all the images one by one. Here is a small feature of SnagIt which allows you to batch convert all the images and apply watermark to them.

Open you SnagIt software and check the left pane ( left hand side) . You will find something called as Related Task. Look for Convert Images. Click on it.

  • This will open up a wizard which allows you to select any number of files and convert them into desired format with All effects.
  • Its a 4 step process, So when you reached 2nd Step, You will be asked to add Filter . Click on modify button and add watermark.
  • Select Next and finally you will be asked for File names and Output directory ( where you want the watermarked images to be stored ).
  • You can preview your watermark and adjust according to it. However there is one drawback here. You are not allowed to add text as watermark, Instead you will need add another image as watermark.
  • Click Next and You are done.

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