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To be a successful and well-known blogger like Shoemoney,JohnChow,Problogger you need to have capabilites listed below ;

* First of all a blogger must be patient,your blog may not get attention of surfers,your blog may not generate you an income but you must wait patiently.
* A blogger musn't be copycat! An original content equals to 1000 copied content,so do not waste your time copying somebody's work!
* Do not put ads to your blog as soon as you post your first entry,wait for 200 unique visitors daily before adding ads.
* Join all the famous blog communities on the web such as mybloglog,blogcatalog etc.Doing this both take your blog to top in search queries and help you to get high pagerank and visitors.

* Try to be friend with high pRanked bloggers and exchange links , but content of each blogs must be relevant otherwise doing this makes no sense.
* Share everything you know with other bloggers,categorize some of your posts as how-to's because everybody needs something different something useful,examine famous blogger and try to understand what make them so famous,you will get this answer : they are the pioneers of innovations.
* Do not create a topic such as " How to earn much money with adsense " because theres tons of wack blogs about adsense and also theres good webmaster forums,blogs,web sites on the net,everybody knows adsense with details so do something better and analize adsense ads on your blog or explain how you make money with adsense share your secrets etc.
* Do not attend pay per post thing.You lose your visitors and you will waste your work,also your pagerank will be lowered.Never do this.

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