Many wordpress and other hosting users thinks that blogger user have no rights on there post ,whether they generate yourself or by some other sources . so they copy blogger contents without any fear ,But the fact is Google is providing this service and they are highly concerned about there users contents ,for this they have created many rules and regulations and if any other hosting other services like ( wordpress,tripod etc ) found copying blogger content , and if the owner of such content file a complain against such website ,then the concerned website have to suffer for copyright content and this will happen only due to the ignorance of that copying website. I found a blog providing all the necessary information and steps what and how to files complains against such website .Before filing complain you have to look for some importants Points,mention below .
- Mention copyright Instruction for yours blogs in which you have to mention whether yours blogs is copyrights or not or whether you want yours blogs to publish by other or not as done by me .
- How much content is copyied from yours website,- If the website is copying whole content( without any edit in it ) what you publish in yours website then immediately contact that website owner either from contact form or from Comment , and warned to delete all post what he/she is copied from yours website, and if he dont stoped copying content from yours website then fell free to file a complain against such website.
- If the website is posting half of content and link back rest content with yours website ,then the website is not copying yours whole content ,dont file complain against them as he is not publishing whole content and directing his user into yours website to read full post. :) this will increase yours visitor even when google have not index yours blogs in search engine.
Hope all above 3 points will help bloggers in protecting there website content, If you have any suggestion or views about this post then fell free to post in comments
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