Generate Smileys From Keyboards

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Expressing emotions through Keyboards doesnot requires any Pictures,learn to make smileys just through Keyboard,Regular Practice make you expert , use it while scrapping and chatting ,This will really help you in building up yours image In Present generation world..

(^_^) = smile

(^o^) = laughing out loud

d(^_^)b = thumbs up (not ears)

(T_T) = sad (it's a crying face)

(-.-)Zzz = sleeping

(Z.Z) = sleepy person

\(^_^)/ = cheers, hurrah

(*^^*) = shyness

(-_-); = sweating (as in ashamed)

(^_^);; = sorry! my mistake

(?_?) = nonsense, i don't know

(^_~) = wink

(o.O) = surprise

v(^_^)v = victory

(>^_^)> = hugging

(>^_^)> <(^_^<) = hugging each other
(^o^) Animals: >))))'> = a fish

>))))'><'((((< = kissing fish
(^o^) <')++++< = a fish bone Vm~ = a fox () () = a rabbit
(^.^) (^(oo)^) = a pig
('v') (( )) = a bird
-"-"- ()()() ()()() (-(-(-.-)-)-) = rabbit gang
= = = = :} = a snake Things:
@}-;--`-- = a rose
>(/////)< = a candy
=]::::::> = a sword

---E = a fork

\(^_^)/(O O)hoorahh!!!
/ \
_/ \_

______\____\o/_____ = Shark attack. i.e. when male chatters detect a single female

////////////////### = Cigarette break

o(>< )o o( ><)o-wriggle ?(O_O;)Shock!! \(>o<)/= panic (*^^)^*) = kiss p(*^-^*)q = cheer!! (/-_·)/D·····------ ? (;/?o?)/= hittting someone with an arrow (; ·_·)?????????Chope/expectation ?(^_^?)(?^_^)?= singing or dANCing m(_ _)m= im sorry

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