Want to buy and assesmble your own computer

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First thing you need to decide when you are assembling a computer is the CPU. You have 2 options you can choose an Intel if you want to play safe or choose an AMD if you are the adve type….my personal recommendation would be an AMD. Its value for money, and you can buy a better mother board, more RAM or bigger harddisk with the saved money.

Choose a processor which should fall above 5000 RS. Intel E4500 or AMD X2 4800+. Dont go behind a higher clock speed processor, and a cheaper mother board…you can buy a good mother board and get the performance. I would recommend the Intel DG 33 or ASUS M2NBP-VM CSM Mother board. When you buy an Assembled system off the market you would get a better processor but always a cheap mother board which would not give overall performance.

RAM, you can buy 1 GB for 1000 and 5000 and more…whats the difference….you would buy RAM only by Capacity but they are many things which effect the price, the Speed of RAM, Buffered or Un-buffered, Latency Time, ECC etc. Play safe and go with branded RAM even if they cost a little extra. DD2 is supported by Intel and AMD. Buy Branded 667 MHZ - PC5300 Memory which would cost you around 1500/GB. If you can afford the money buy 2Gb.

Hard Disk capacities are growing buy atleast 320 GB SATA Hard Disk for around 4000. If you want to build a power machine you can buy 2 X 320 GB SATA Hard Disks and configure then for Stripping RAID 1. This will write the data to both the hard disk at once thus doubling through put ( Would write more on RAID in my future posts)

Cabinet and SMPS for now buy a Mercury Cabinet with SMPS for around 2000. Larger the cabinet better the airflow and cooling for the parts in the cabinet so choose wise.

Monitor if you have the money buy a 19 inch LCD from View Sonic, LG or Samsung for 11000, or a 17 Inch LCD for 9000 or a 17 Inch CRT for 5000.

Keyboard and mouse choose from Microsoft, Logitech or Samsung. There would be many cheap ones out there but they wont last long.

DVD Writer for 1500 from Sony LG Samsung nothing much to decide here.
Now comes connecting all these together….one good thing about computer assembling is most mother boards come with very good manuals which would explain you how to connect all the devices. You can always take the help of a friend who has assembled a computer before….

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