Keeping your documents organized in one central location is a recommended practice, as it allows you to easily backup and search your documents. Most users use the default folder (C:\Users\) to store their stuff, but this is certainly not a must, as your default documents location can be easily changed.
The good news is that Windows Vista allows you to change the My Documents location using the GUI, so no need to tweak the Registry to accomplish this.
Here’s how to do it:
- Create a new folder that will be used to store your documents (skip this step if you would like to use an existing folder)
- Navigate to your default Document location
- Right Click the Documents folder and click Properties
- Navigate to the Location tab
- Specify the location of the folder you would like to store your documents in.

- Click Move
- Click Yes when prompted whether you are sure you want to move the documents.
- Click OK ,And you are done. :)
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