Computer Security Tips

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Computer security is one of the major issues among Businessmans and all computer based works, it is very necessary to protect yours system from Viruses and hackers ,check below security tips and check yours computer security.
Computer Security Tips
The International Computer Security Association has a Web site with lots of papers, pointers and other useful information for anyone involved in IT security issues. Well worth a browse.

Popup Stopper Wars
How well does your popup stopper rate? Find out by running the tests at this site. The site also rates a range of freeware and commercial popup stoppers. The top performing free product was EMS Free Surfer, a product I'd never heard of. <= EMS Free Surfer

Excellent Free Cryptography Resource
This site offers an excellent Cryptography FAQ. Well, it's more than an FAQ, it's practically a textbook. And you can download it.

How Good is Your Password?
Check out the security of your passwords using this free service:

Great Security Resource for End-users
If you haven't the patience to answer beginners’ questions about computer security, you can refer them to this excellent resource site. Experienced users should check it out, too.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Database
OSVDB is an independent security vulnerability database that is free for all to use. It's large, up-to-date and comprehensive in its operating system coverage.

Scan Your In-house Software for Security Flaws
An increasing number of software products are appearing that analyze other software applications for security flaws and loopholes prior to implementation.

Spam Haters Unite
The coalition against unsolicited commercial email has a site where you can find tips and techniques for blocking spam.

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