Get free Mobile Wallpapers from Mosh Nokia Mobile Networking Community Site

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Nokia started its content sharing site where community members can upload, distribute and manage content to be viewed and enjoyed on mobile devices. A MOSH member can share applications like mobile games, to videos, blogs, songs or photos. So its a kind of interlinking between online social networking and mobile networking. Of course, Nokia is trying to bridge the gap.

In MOSH, Nokia introduced new type of bookmarking named "Collections". You can add your friends or any other MOSH members images, videos or applications to your "Collections", and also you can cast vote either "LOVE IT" or "HATE IT". Also you can tag your shared items for better grouping. This found to be pretty nice. MOSH is still in beta and lets hope it will come out of beta phase soon.
MOSH is indeed a great place to get free nokia themes, wallpapers for your N series and S series mobile devices also free mobile games.

You can register for free MOSH account here.
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