Google Profiles Consolidate Your G-Identity

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Google is making a move to centralize your profile information with the new Google Profile system which links together your personal information across each of the Google services you use. Profiles include information like occupation, a link to your blog and other sites such as your Flickr or pages, as well as your name and nicknames (real names are revealed only to other people in your contact list)
In the past, you needed to create separate profiles in Blogger, Orkut, Google Groups and more, and all of them could well contain different information. Then there’s the photos you could add to Gmail and GTalk accounts, all of which means there was no easy way to update in one spot and have it propagate it across all the scattered locations.

The new profile pages first made their appearance in Google’s Shared Stuff and then moved into Google Maps, and, over the weekend became available in Google Reader. At the moment you'll still have separate profiles in many Google services, but Google says it will integrate more as time goes on.

At the moment the profiles are somewhat limited, however, as the Google Reader announcement hints, there’s a good chance that your Google Profile could eventually turn into your “lifestream” hub, much like Plaxo’s Pulse allows you to do now.

As always, this complicates matters somewhat for those using Google Apps for Your Domain and it remains unclear how you might connect or keep separate various identities — for instance a work and home identity.

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