How to Hack website server

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Wana Hack hack Server?Want to know how to enter in Ddeshare File? .To Delete Files , Handle files,Copy by sitting in single place . Then Follow Below Steps To Hack Server.because you can do all such things after hacking server .

  1. Create a file anywhere In yours system ,
  2. After Creating file ,right click on it.
  3. Choose >>> Choose program >>>Browse Enter in to DDESHARE file.
  4. Now Click on Start-->go to Accessories-->Right click on Command Prompt
  5. Click on proporties >>> Find target.
  6. When you are in c:\ drive. that is system 32.
  7. Click on Search.Choose all files and folders..
  8. Search for "DDESHARE".
  9. After finding that file.Just Double click on that file.
  10. Now click on Shares>>choose computer. Including domain controller it will show all systems which are connected to server.
  11. Now choose which system do you want to hack.All computer names will be in the format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.
  12. Right click on the system which you are going to hack and copy its name and paste it in your file.which you have choosen in 1st step.
  13. The file name will be in the format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.If the first computer in the server dose'nt work then choose Second computer.
  14. Now you will be seeing "shared folder" for folder name.
  15. Now double click on that will be seeing many domains which are connected to the server.
  16. You have Hacked the system,Searching for files which you want.
  17. Now you can do anything with the hacked computer, its all on you whether you delete file or folder or etc,but a good Hackers will never show that he/she have hacked the system ,Hope you get it. :)

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