Wana Hack hack Server?Want to know how to enter in Ddeshare File? .To Delete Files , Handle files,Copy by sitting in single place . Then Follow Below Steps To Hack Server.because you can do all such things after hacking server .
- Create a file anywhere In yours system ,
- After Creating file ,right click on it.
- Choose >>> Choose program >>>Browse Enter in to DDESHARE file.
- Now Click on Start-->go to Accessories-->Right click on Command Prompt
- Click on proporties >>> Find target.
- When you are in c:\ drive. that is system 32.
- Click on Search.Choose all files and folders..
- Search for "DDESHARE".
- After finding that file.Just Double click on that file.
- Now click on Shares>>choose computer. Including domain controller it will show all systems which are connected to server.
- Now choose which system do you want to hack.All computer names will be in the format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.
- Right click on the system which you are going to hack and copy its name and paste it in your file.which you have choosen in 1st step.
- The file name will be in the format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.If the first computer in the server dose'nt work then choose Second computer.
- Now you will be seeing "shared folder" for folder name.
- Now double click on that folder.you will be seeing many domains which are connected to the server.
- You have Hacked the system,Searching for files which you want.
- Now you can do anything with the hacked computer, its all on you whether you delete file or folder or etc,but a good Hackers will never show that he/she have hacked the system ,Hope you get it. :)
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