Methods to recover from trojan horse?Trojan Horse is simply a software program which performs certain action.Negatively if performs an opposite action which is nothing but computer virus.As your system is connected to internet there may be heavy chances for Highly infected virus such as trojan of entering your system.This Trojan virus may embedded with images such as jpg,jpeg etc.As soon as you click on that image Trojan virus will enters in to your system.As your system infected with Trojan virus it be recoverd by using good antivirus software,Or you can use google pack also to prevent from trojan horse ,Horse payloads are one of most, harmful trojan horse and there are totally 9 trojan horse payloads and all nine are mention 9 Trojan are :-Downloader,Remote accessing.,Email sending, Data destruction,FTP trojan, Proxy Trojan,Security Software disabler,Denial-of-Service attack(DoS),URL Trojan. Methods To delete Trojan Horse virus:
There is no special method to delete Trojan Horse .List of methods are shown below that prevent or delete virus from yours system
- Back up your Internet files.
- Install an Antivirus software to clean your pc.
- Reinstalling operating system.
- Last Call IT support.
If you know which file in your system is infected with virus then use better antivirus software and clean it for twice or thrice untill that file is totally cleaned.
Back up your Internet files:At this time you should not be late.You should have to copy all files,softwares etc in cds or dvds.If you are late then your files may be infected.Before copying the files and softwares just scan once.But i am not sure that these files may contain virus after cleaning.
Install an Antivirus software or google pack:Since your system is highly infected with a dangerous virus you have to install a good antivirus software which can remove all types of trojans.Commercial antivirus softwares which can remove all type of trojans are Norton,Kaspersky etc.After installing the software you have to scan your system completely for twice or thrice.In my view better to scan your System with Free Google Pack Softwares.
Reinstalling operating system:If your system cannot be cleaned then you have to reinstall your operating system.This is the only action which is available to you.This corrective action also results losing of while performing this step you have to be careful. Before reinstalling your operating system make sure your net connection is in disconnected mode.If you are using pirated Xp or any operating system then your c:\ will be hacked by Microsoft.All your system addresses will be hacked by Microsoft.If you haved Clicked On Send Error Report To prevent this condition you have to switch off your Internet connection read this post
Protect your computer:After installing operating system you have to protect your system for future infections.Following steps which protect your system from virus.
- Install good antivirus software.
- Switch on Live Updates.
- Use Firewall system.
- keep your pc patched.
- Dont try to open trojan sites.
IT support:If you are having servicing department then call them immediately.And follow their instructions.
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