Enabling right click on websites

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Many websites nowadays disable the right click function of the mouse button (What i Have Done)which I think could be very annoying sometimes. This is done so that we can’t steal images, file, video, or any other website’s stuff. What about if we extremely in a need of the file without any profit-making and other bad intentions? In this post a tutorial is included to teach you how to solve the problem, without having to open the source code of course!

If you use Internet Explorer 6 and 7

  • Click “Tools”>>>”Internet Options”>>> “Security” tab>>>> “Custom Level” >>>Scroll down to the “Scripting” section. >>>>Set “Active Scripting” To “Disable” (Active scripts are programs written in Javascript) >>Click “Ok”.
  • Restart your internet browser. Note: This will disable the Javascript from being rendered by your Internet Explorer browser which would mean the right click disabled’s script in the website will not work anymore.

  • For Mozilla Firefox browser, these are the steps which gave the same effect (maybe be vary depending on the version).
  • Go to “Tools” >>> “Options” >>>>Click “Web Features” >>>>Untick Enable JavaScript
    Alternatively, you can also use this method to re-enabled the website right click function.
    Enter the Javascript code below inside your browser’s address bar. (source)

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