Hide Pornographic Photo Video in Computer

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Your computer might be full of pornographic photo or video. You feel very reluctant to delete them but are in a dilemma about whether to continue keeping them in your computer. Your family members, friends or colleagues might accidentally view them. You can’t set a password and deny them from entering your PC. So what can you do to hide the pornographic material in your computer so that other people cannot locate them easily?

Of course the easier way to hide a pornographic folder that you can consider is using the hidden folder function. In your Windows Explorer, Right click on the porno folder that keep all your pornographic materials, choose “Properties” and check the “Hidden” attributes. Then you go to Tools>>>folder Option>>>View and check the “Hidden files and folders” option. This is quite simple and straightforward. Nevertheless, this method can only be applied by the IT or computer savvy users.

Besides hiding the files, another easy way to keep your secret is to rename your photo or video files so that they wouldn’t sound so porno. They will get less attention when the names are not so sexually explicit. Once you have finished viewing the sexy or sleazy photo and video, always make sure that the playlist in your default viewer/program is clean. For instance, if you use Windows Media Player to view a porno video, the program will normally keep a record of the last few videos that you have watched. When somebody deliberately or accidentally clicks the history records, then your dirty secret will be exposed!

Another solution to hide your secret porno files is via software. There is a lot of freeware and shareware in the market that feature this function. For instance, you can use “File Lock” to help you to protect your private and secret files. This software will lock your files and folders or even hide them so that they are invisible and not easily accessed by other people. When the files or folders are locked, users will not be able to open, read, modify, delete, edit, move or copy them. When they are hidden, other users will not be able to find them with any program or even using Windows Explorer. Other useful software that can help you include Fingerprint, Axcrypt, Cryptainer PE Encryption Software , Program Lock and File Encrypt 6.5, etc.

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