Administrator or owner of the Windows Vista computer can set and create a logon message text that will be displayed or prompted on screen whenever a user login to his or her user account. The configuration of log on message is useful to show or pop up a warning or notification dialog to all users who are attempting to log in to the system, probably about computer usage policy, security policy, legal statements, welcome message or a failure message to let users know that valid user name and password required or unsuccessful logon attempts will be logged to prevent hackers. By default, there is no logon message title and message text in Windows Vista.
To configure a custom logon message when login:
- Click on Vista Or Start button.
- Select “Control Panel” -> “System and Maintenance” -> “Administrative Tools” -> “Local Security Policy”. Alternatively, type “Local Security Policy” in the Install Search box and select the item returned in search result.
- In Local Security Policy console window, expand Local Policies.
- Then select Security Options.
- In the details pane on the right, locate the “Interactive Logon: Message text for users attempting to log on.”
- Right click on the security option and select “Properties”, or simply double click on the security option.
- Type in the message text that wanted to be prompt on logon.
- Click OK (not yet if you want to set message title as well).
- Follow all above steps, until to the point when you locate the setting for message text. For message tittle, locate “Interactive Logon: Message Title for users attempting to log on” instead.
- Right click on the security option and select “Properties”, or simply double click on the security option.
- Type in a message title.
- Click OK.
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