Measure computer performance

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One of the most overlooked IT disciplines is that of computer measurement and testing. How can you compare different parts of your IT infrastructure if you’re not using a sound testing methodology to ensure that you’re truly comparing apples to apples?

That’s where an organisation like the Computer Measurement Group (CMG) enters the picture. In their own words, the CMG is a “not for profit, worldwide organization of data processing professionals committed to the measurement and management of computer systems.” CMG was founded in 1974, and has been active in advancing knowledge of computer measurement tools and techniques ever since.

According to Director Dr. Michael Salsburg, the organization and its members has been primarily concerned with performance evaluation of existing systems in an effort to maximise performance and optimise capacity management. “We currently have a strong interest in measuring server virtualisation, and also in exploring the advantages of the ITIL standard,” says Salsburg. “I think the adoption of ITIL really does have a payback for the organizations that adopt it.”
Another area that the CMG is exploring is the realm of business performance management (BPM) and how effective standards and measurement criteria can help define that growing segment of the IT infrastructure.
According to CMG spokesperson Lana Torres, the CMG will also be holding their 33rd Computer Measurement Group 2007 annual conference on December 2 -7 in San Diego, CA. The conference will cover load and stress testing, benchmarking, performance optimisation, software performance engineering, resource management, capacity analysis, simulation and analytic modeling and cost management.
Salsburg explains that the conference would be a good fit for anyone who is tasked with the responsibility of acquiring computer equipment. “We have some people who’ve come to this conference year in and year out,” says Salsburg. “Many of them work at some of the world’s largest IT infrastructures, places where performance testing and capacity planning are vitally important.”

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