How to Disable or Remove Shutdown option,How to Disable or Remove Shutdown option,Disabling Unnecessary Programs At Startup ,Rename Recyclebin Passward
How to Disable or Remove Shutdown option :-It is Possible to Remove Shut Down option from Start menu. Just follow the following steps.
- Start>>>Run>>>gpedit.msc>>>User Configuration>>>Administrative Templates>>>Start Menu &Taskbar>>>Remove Shutdown on Start Menu>>>Enable.
Remove the Stored User Names and Passwords from your system :-To remove the Stored User Names and Passwords from your system, try this:
- Click Start>> Run and type "Control keymgr.dll " (without quotes)
- Remove the entries from the list.
- The other ways to access this dialog are: Click Start >>>Run >>Type Control Userpasswords2 >>> Click Advanced>>> Manage Passwords Or you can use
From Control Panel, select your User Account, click Manage your network passwords
Rename Recyclebin Passward :To change the name of the Recycle Bin desktop icon, click Start then goto Run, write Regedit and press Enter. It opens Registry Editor. Now in Registry Editor go to:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want (don't type any quotes).
Disabling Unnecessary Programs At Startup:-Many programs add portions of themselves starting automatically on every login. This can be either in the Startup Folder or the Registry. One easy way to tell is by looking at how many icons are in your system tray. If you have a large number, perhaps unnecessary resources are being allocated them as well as increasing your boot time. Typical examples are Microsoft Office, Office FindFast, Real Player, Asetting etc. You can remove them in one of three main ways: In the Start at "Run" , type “Regedit”
In the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
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