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Nokia is well known for rewarding phone owners who spend time to learn the ins and outs of their phone. The E61 is no different. Here’s a collection of tips, shortcuts and secret codes for the Nokia E61. (Don’t be shy to send in your own tips and shortcuts.)

In the Standby Screen

mobile mania
Holding down # will toggle between the current profile and silent mode.
Holding down P or M will launch the Web Browser Services.
Holding down the Red Key asks to end any UMTS/GPRS connection
Blue Function Key + Ctrl activates Bluetooth.
Blue Function Key + Chr activates IR.

In Menu (in the Updated Firmware)

The menu is arranged in a 4X3 grid (4 icons across, 3 icons going down); each placement corresponds to the number keys 0-9, * and #.

mobile mania
Blue Function Key + Corresponding Charcter launches the program (For example, Blue + 1 launches Tools, Blue + * to open Office)

In Messaging (or any program that uses lots of texts, e.g. the wordprocessing app.)

mobile mania

Ctrl + C copies
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + V pastes
Chr + Any Letter to type those letters with notations like those smiley u’s.
Ctrl + Joystick Down functions as Page Down (goes to the next page down)
Ctrl + Joystick Up functions as Page Up (goes to the next page up)
Shift + Joystick Left or Right highlights one letter at a time.
Shift + Ctrl + Joystick Left or Right highlights one word at a time.
Ctrl + Joystick Left or Right moves the cursor from word to word.
Green Key (in Messaging) immediately sends your message.
Red Key (in Messaging) immediately discards your message.

In Calendar

* toggles between different Calendar views (Montly, Weekly, Daily, To Do Lists)
# goes to Today

In the Web Browser

0 - Returns to your homepage or bookmarks
1 - Shows your bookmarks
2 - Displays the text search dialog
3 - Goes back to the previous website viewed
5 - Lists windows (for those sites with pop ups)
8 - Page Miniature On / Off
9 - Displays the Address bar dialog
* - Zoom In
# - Zoom Out

Note that in the NEW FIRMWARE, these shortcuts only work when pressed together with the Blue Function key.

In Services

* works as page up
# works as page down

Note that the shortcuts for the Web Browsers DOES NOT WORK in Services.

Note also that in the NEW FIRMWARE, these shortcuts only work when pressed together with the Blue Function key.

In Docum. (Wordprocessor)

Ctrl + B Boldface
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + Joystick Down goes to the end of the document

Ctrl + Joystick Up
goes to the start of the document

In Gallery (for Images)

mobile mania

5 zooms in
0 zooms out
1 rotates counter clockwise
3 rotates clockwise
* toggles between the windowed and full screen view
2, 4, 6, 8 functions as your joystick would, panning through the image

In the Audio Player

mobile mania

4 goes to the previous track
Hold 4 rewinds the song
6 plays the next track
Hold 6 fastforwards the song
5 plays/pauses the file
8 stops the song

In Real Player

mobile mania

2 toggles Full Screen Mode (or vice versa)
Joystick Up fastforwards the video file
Joystick Down rewinds the video file

Secret Codes (for use in the Standby Screen)

mobile mania

*#0000# displays the phone’s firmware
*#06# displays IMEI
*#2820# displays your bluetooth address
*#62209526# displays WLAN adapter’s MAC address
*#92702689# displays the phone’s life timer
*#7780# soft resets the phone and reset phone settings
*#7370# hard resets the phone

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