Google Hacks - Advanced Google Search Tool

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With the amount of information available on the internet, it only gets tough finding the right stuff that you need the web.

Google Hacks is a nifty tool that can help you find stuff on the web easily with the power of Google. At less than 1 MB, this tool can assist you in finding music, books, lyrics and other materials easily, leveraging Google’s advanced search operators. Knowledge of advanced search operators isn’t necessary with Google Hacks near you.

Google Code

Google Hacks can be used to find music, books, lyrics, fonts, tools and applications, proxies and more. Just fire it up after installation, type your search query, choose the type of media you want to search for and you’re done. You’re taken to a Google Search Results page with relevant stuff.

Google Hacks

Google Hacks eliminates the need for knowing advanced search operators, and saves your time, finding quality results. Give it a try by downloading it from here. It’s available as a download for Windows, Linux and Mac

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