Ways to Back Up your Data

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Storing data is more and more easy nowadays. As a user, I have my own top 3 ways to store my data and back it up for emergency usage. All I need is to have a device or service that could let me bring it anywhere, access it anywhere and store my data on whenever I need it.

Below is my ways:
1. External Hard-drive like WD Passport:
External Hard drives are mobile and so light to carry around. With only one half meter long cable, just plug-n-play feature is awesome for me to move everywhere I wanted. What I mean here is my best solution, or my best way to keep my data secure is to get an external hard drive that could survive from our reckless actions and unwanted experience. Since nowadays external hard-drive with large capacity is getting cheaper and cheap, it’s wise for you to have one now to save your data.

2. Use USB flash drive for back-up extra emergency data:
Nowadays USB Flash Drive is kind of cheap (although the 4 gigs Flash drive is still stand firmly at $40 and around), It’s wise to own this extra mobile device. Although it couldn’t store any of your favorite full-featured DVD movie, it could store a lot of data such as Document or Database. I use USB Flash Drive for back-up my extra important and emergency data such as: Blog’s Database, Marketing Plan, Design Concept and Sketch
Important e-Books. You could get the cheapest offer around your market around $20 for 2 gigs flash drive.

3. Online Storage:
Yeah, the most mobile tactic is to store data online. Well, to be frank, the two ways above is more then enough for common users, but nowadays online storages are coming up so widely offering GB spaces. I store only extremely important data that I could live without it to the online storage services. The reason is when I’m lose my data within my external drive or Flash drive (may be stolen or damaged by some condition like flood, fire, etc), you always have a secure online storage that won’t be interrupted

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