Simple but Effective Tips for Safe Browsing

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Whenever we think of securing or protecting our computer/PC,we think only about virus protection softwares, spywares, adwares, malwares and so on. But there are certain basic preventive steps that we can take to protect our data and PC. These are some simple guidelines that we forget, whenever we get carried away.

Why should we remember these?

Let me tell you a story here. I was putting together a small personal Web site for fun. In the process of doing that, I decided that it would be great to have a small sound effect, to play, whenever a person ran their mouse over one of my images. Well, being a technical person, I knew that this would be simple enough. All i need to do is search the web for the most brilliant sounds, that I can make use. I did find one, but the whole idea turned out to be bad. I realized this only after I downloaded the sound and started playing it. My computer froze within seconds. Well, i had no other option, than restarting my computer back up in Safe Mode. I then ran a virus scan and yes, as I suspected, it found three viruses on my system. That was bad.

If I hadn’t downloaded that sound, this would never have happened. The sound file I downloaded was not from a site, I had ever been to before. It was free and the file size seemed awfully large for a two second audio clip. Given all of this, I still downloaded the file. Why? Because I really wanted that sound, I guess. Being technical, quite often puts me off from the risks associated with a software. Yes, this is a natural human tendency, whenever we get too excited.

So I would even recommend having these simple guidelines, pasted as a sticky note on your desktop.

So what you should be doing as a person sitting behind the

1.Don’t download items from Web sites you do not trust.
2.Don’t install things you do not recognize.
3.If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
4.Ninety-nine percent of viruses cannot harm you, without you clicking OK at some point.

If you follow the above simple tips, I bet that you will save yourself many, many headaches in the future. Until next time, stay safe out there, my friends!

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