How to Increase Comments on your Blog?

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When you have a blog and you have written a good post, its always encouraging to see people commenting about the article and interacting. Everyone likes to get comments and here I have identified few of the important things which I felt will improve the comments on your blog.

When you have written an post which needs a debate or an opinion, ask for comments from readers. Readers will always tend to comment when their opinion is asked for.
Interact with the comments and get into the flow of discussions. You can even install the Subscribe to Comments plug-in by which commentators will be notified about the new comments if they have subscribe to it (By Default make it unchecked).

Make commenting form simple. Do not add too complicated spam checking mechanisms. Asking something like sum of two numbers is ok. Do not open comments in pop-up windows, which will be annoying to readers.

Do not moderate comments. The major disadvantage of moderating comments is that the flow of discussion will be lost if the blog owner does not approve the comments .
Do not ask readers to register and login before commenting. I have seen many blogs where you need to register before commenting. This will obviously reduce comments as time is the most important thing for everyone.

When someone has commented on your blog, do visit their blog and post your opinion (Don’t just say “nice post”, put some useful comments) . This will again increase your comments as they tend to visit your blog again. If you are an A-list blogger, you may not have to do this.

Install the comment relish plugin .

Show top commentators on your blog on the sidebar and give some link love. Also reward regular commentators with a link to their posts in your blog.
You can tell your friends and relatives about the post your have written and ask them their opinion on it.

There are few Wordpress plugins which help in increase comments. You can check it our from here. These are my thoughts on improving comments. Have you increased comments on your blog? Share your thoughts.

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