Add Blogger to Webmaster Tools

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We'll see how to add a Blogger-based blog (hosted at to Google Webmaster Tools and how to tell Google all our articles' URLs, submitting a complete Sitemap (compatible with the redirect to Feedburner).
First of all, in the Dashboard, add your hosted blog by typing your blog's URL in the text box and pressing the "Add site" button. Now you have to verify it; just follow this simple how-to: "Add Google Webmaster Tools to your Blogger Blog - TakeOnTheNet".
Now the last step: we have to add the complete sitemap. We'll use the blog's feed as a Sitemap, but to get the complete feed we have to use some addictional parameters.

  1. Log into Google Webmaster Tools, enter your blog's properties and select e Add sitemap;
  2. Select “Add general web sitemap“;
  3. My sitemap url is: rss.xml?max-results=500&start-index=1
  4. Press "Add general web sitemap".

If you need more sitemaps, repeat the four steps, changing only the url; just add 500 to the last number of the previous sitemap's url:

  1. rss.xml?max-results=500&start-index=501
  2. rss.xml?max-results=500&start-index=1001
  3. rss.xml?max-results=500&start-index=1501
  4. …and so on.

Important: In Sitemap > Overview, the "URLs submitted" column will show effective number of articles submitted +1 (so, a Full sitemap will show 501 urls, not 500), because, in the feed, the URL of the home page is also retrieved. :) If anyproblem in feed Feel Free to Comment :)

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