Internet security jobs for hackers:

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Hackers have bright future in running world.I am talking about ethical hacking which is strongly needed for banking transactions from wrath of viruses.Many of you are interested in hacking yahoo,msn,gmail etc.You will be go on searching for "How to hack yahoo","How to hack gmail" and many.I can surely say that no one is going to provide you software for hacking.By mistakenly you got some software for hacking yahoo ,and you hacked many passwords......You are not supposed to called hacker if you uses software for hacking yahoo or msn.In my sense the one who designed software for hacking is the genuine hacker.

Well ethical hacking is the scientific approach of understanding the software,tools ,techniques and scripts.Just i want say if you want to become hacker you should study vulnerability of a computer system and designing a security system, which is non-hackable.If you are serious about hacking then only you can become hacker.Its tough job to become hacker.For this reason this sentence was given "Hackers are not made they are born".

Career prospects:
Hackers have high remuneration ranging from 50,000 to XX,XX,XXX..........Well this salary is per month not for year.Recently i heard Hackers are highly paid in Inida..Not only in India almost in all contries hackers are highly paid.The percent of annual increases of salary declined from 11.6 percent in December 2000 to just 7 percent last year, according to a salary report released today by the SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security) Institute, a nonprofit organization of security professionals. The reason for the salary increase slippage is that dot-com companies had been doling out enormous raises to retain their security people, according to SANS Director Alan Paller. "[Dot-coms] were offering people 20 percent, 25 percent raises to leave old-economy companies and to come work for them," said Paller, in Bethesda, Md. Many says hackers cannot be created they are born.If you have interest in becomming hacker then dont be late learn it.Many hacking institutes will provide you 100% information about hacking skills and languages required for hacking.Few top most hacking institutes are Gates Training,Infosecinstitute,Sans Institute,Dartmouth Institute of Security technology studies, Cyber laws, E2labs,Swarajcomm technologies and many institutes.Dear friends there is a huge demand for hackers,unlimited can see in daily news -- Wanted Internet security officer,Professional Network,Security Professional Systems, Security Professional, Security Analyst and Security Administrator and many jobs related to security and hacking.Just refer this article How to become Hacker written by Eric Steven Raymond.. :)

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