Rapidshare is a free for all web host where everyone can upload a file of their choice however to download a file you need a link to the rapidshare server where the file is actually hosted. This is good in terms of privacy but what if you want to download software, movies, music or ebooks of your choice and you don’t know the links. That is where these rapidshare search engines do the job for us. Just type in your your keywords and they will hunt down files relating to that keyword hosted on rapidshare. Below is a complete list of 15 Rapidshare Search Engines. Use them well and have fun
- Filez
- RapidFox
- HellaFiles
- RapidShared
- ShareMiner
- FilesBot
- RapidOSearch
- RapidSearchEngine
- RapidshareLink
- OneClickFiles
- SearchShared
- EatPaperRapidshare
- FileSearcher
- MegaDownload
- RapidshareURL
This will definitely make it easy for you to search rapidshare files instead of using complex Google operators. Enjoy and use them wisely.
Please review RapidZilla.net! Simple, fast and reliable results. Should be in top 15 if you ask me...
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