Download Latest Windows XP Service Pack

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Microsoft has finally developed the Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 1 which will be the last service pack in the Windows XP line. This service pack is currently available to only Beta Testers and promises a good set of bug fixes and some new features borrowed from Vista.

  1. Download this file ( WindowsXPSP3Hack.cmd ). Once you have downloaded the file, login as administrator and run the file by double clicking it. Wait for the Confirmation Message on screen.
  2. The Above file adds a few entries to the Windows Registry that makes Microsoft think that you are a part of the Private beta program.
  3. Check for new updates on Windows Update. You should now see Windows XP SP3 listed in the available updates.
  4. Download and install it. Reboot whenever necessary.

The hack will fool Microsoft website to let it think that you are one of the Beta testers and therefore allows you to download the service pack without any problems.

Users over at Daily Apps are reporting that this Service Pack does not work with the non-English versions of Windows so only download if you have an English version.

Note: You can download the Windows XP Service Pack 3 directly from the Microsoft website without any hack.

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